All PS3 reviews

Review nameRatingPlatforms
Beijing 20085PC, PS3, Wii and Xbox 360
Beyond Two Souls7PS3
Bionic Commando5PS3 and Xbox 360
Bioshock 28PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
BioShock Infinite9PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Blacklight Tango Down7PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Blood Stone7PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Blur9PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Bodycount6PS3 and Xbox 360
Bomberman Ultra6PS3
Borderlands 29PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Brink6PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Bulletstorm8PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Burn Zombie Burn7PS3
Burnout Paradise8PS3 and Xbox 360
Buzz! Quiz TV7PS3
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare8PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Call of Duty Black Ops 28PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Call of Duty Black Ops9PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 29PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 38PC, PS3, Wii and Xbox 360
Call of Duty World at War9PC, PS2, PS3, Wii and Xbox 360
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood7PC, PS3 and Xbox 360