Wii hardware
Wii hardware videos
Wii hardware
Wii U bricking during firmware updatesWii U specsWii U release dateWii Christmas sales figuresNyko Type Pad Pro Keyboard for Wii announcedUsing a Wiimote with The Legend of Zelda for the WiiColored Nintendo Wii RemotesBlack WiiWii hardcore gamesWii bikeFree Wii Internet ChannelWii Logitech Cordless KeyboardWii Firmware 4.0 AvailableNintendo customer services replace melted WiiSanDisk SD Card for WiiFree Nintendo Wii PointsBuy Wii SpeakWii Opera Browser UpdateNintendo Gamecube games on WiiNew Wii ControllerQuad Wii Remote Charge StationWhite Wiing of DeathWii lens cleaner